Australian Youth Aerospace Scholarship 2022

The Australian Youth Aerospace Scholarship is a returning scholarship awarded by the Australian Youth Aerospace Association (AYAA), proudly supported by Raytheon Australia.

The scholarship is designed in collaboration with Raytheon Australia to recognise and support exceptional students within or related to the Australian Youth Aerospace Association and provide a scholarship for educational purposes.

In order to be eligible, applicants be a full time student and must have an affiliation with the AYAA, such as:

  • Was chosen as a delegate for the 2022 Australian Youth Aerospace Forum, including those that were accepted as a delegate, but were unable to travel to the event. 
  • A current member of a university rocketry team that expressed interest in the 2022/23 Australian Universities Rocketry Competition (by the opening date of the scholarship). 
  • A current member of the AYAA national committee and/or state, event or program subcommittee.
Applications have been extended until the Friday the 25th of November!

Frequently Asked Questions

AYAS 2022 applications are open now!

In order to be eligible, applicants must be a full-time student. They also need to meet at minimum one of the bellow criteria: 

  • Was chosen as a delegate for the 2022 Australian Youth Aerospace Forum, including those that were accepted as a delegate, but were unable to travel to the event
  • A current member of a university rocketry team that expressed interest in the 2022/23 Australian Universities Rocketry Competition by the opening date of the scholarship. 
  • A current member of the AYAA national committee and/or state, event or program subcommittee.

This scholarship will include a $500 to be spent on educational expenses. 

As a national organisation managed by student volunteers and young professionals, there are bound to be potential or perceived conflicts of interest. The AYAA prides itself on its integrity and professionalism, as such we have worked to ensure these scholarships provide an equal opportunity to eligible groups, including current and former volunteers.

More specifically the following mitigations are in place: 

  • All Scholarships are awarded by a panel of diverse representatives. 
  • Any interaction with the assessing panel renders an individual applicant ineligible, this applies to AYAA volunteers at all levels, as well as non-AYAA  applicants. 
  • The entire AYAA Senior Leadership team is not eligible for this scholarship

By staying outside of the selection and awarding process our volunteers don’t have to worry about perceived conflicts, and can continue to create opportunities for those around them whilst building their own career.

Should you still have questions that remain unanswered, we strongly encourage you to contact so that we can address your concerns accordingly. We have gone to great lengths to ensure that we can ensure as fair and equal access as reasonably possible to the opportunities we provide. 

Applications will close on the 25th of November!

Please contact us at and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as we can!