Australian Youth Aerospace Association Inc.
Australian Youth Aerospace Association Inc.

Australian Youth Aerospace Association
The AYAA is a not-for-profit organisation managed by student volunteers and young professionals, with the objective of promoting education, awareness and involvement in the aerospace industry to people across Australia.
Australian Youth Aerospace Association
The AYAA is a not-for-profit organisation managed by student volunteers and young professionals, with the objective of promoting education, awareness and involvement in the aerospace industry to people across Australia.A three day conference run by youth for youth. The event covers civil aviation, defence, astronomy, geospatial intelligence, space science and engineering. In 2020 the Aerospace Futures conference has transitioned to virtual content in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Students are offered a unique challenge to design, build and launch a single-stage, high powered rocket to either 10,000ft or 30,000 ft. After a successful inaugural competition in 2019, teams will have the opportunity to design a 2kg CubeSat for the competition’s first payload challenge.

The AYAF is a five day live-in conference in Brisbane which provides Year 11 and 12 students the opportunity to investigate careers and pathways in the aerospace industry. The forum showcases various university and industry opportunities available to students after high school.

Get Involved...
The only requirement is a passion and interest in the Australian aerospace industry
As a student or young professional
Engage with the Australian aerospace industry through our flagship events or local events.
Stand out of the crowd by volunteering with the AYAA and providing opportunities to people across Australia.

As a Sponsor
Engage with Australia’s brightest young minds with a passion for aerospace. Opportunities are available at a range of levels.