Young Australian Space Leaders Arrive in Washington DC

As the Space Generation Congress (SGC) and International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 2019 kick off in Washington D.C., we’d like to wish our 2019 Young Australian Space Leaders Daniel, Bal and Meaghan all the best for the next two weeks!

Stay tuned to our Facebook page for updates on their trip and what they’ve learnt from their time in the USA!

QLD Rep – Alex Knott

Alex Knott

is studying a Bachelor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Queensland.

From a young age, the ever-evolving aerospace industry had always attracted Alex. He remembers watching in awe, the countless advancements made by NASA throughout his childhood – he joined the AYAA to share this youthful passion.

Alex aims for the stars in his professional career, hoping to make a significant contribution to the future of aerospace innovation.