AYAF Leadership Application Application Form *Full Name0/50Please provide your full name.Prefered Name / Used NicknamePlease feel free to provide a preferred name*Preferred PronounsShe/Her He/Him They/Them What are your preferred pronouns?*EmailPlease enter your email address*Phone NumberPlease enter your phone number*StateNSW QLD ACT VIC TAS WA NT SA What state are you currently living in*University/Educational InstitutionPlease enter your current University/Educational Institution or N/A if not applicable.Degree/Title of StudiesPlease enter your current Degree or N/A if not applicable.Workplace/InstitutionPlease enter your current Workplace/Institution or N/A if not applicable.Job TitlePlease enter your current Job Title or N/A if not applicable.*LinkedIn ProfilePlease enter the link to your LinkedIn profile*Are you currently a member of an AYAA events, competition or program organising committee (AURC, AYAF, AF, ASTRA)? Yes No *Position ApplicationAYAF Chair AYAF Deputy Chair What postion do you wish to apply for?*What is your vision for this role and what would you like to achieve in 2025?max 250 words*What previous experience do you have that would prepare you for this role?max 250 words*How many hours a week are you able to dedicate to this position?*Describe yourself in 3 words:*What do the AYAA\'s values mean to you? (Diversity, Community, Opportunity, Integrity)?Max 250 WordsDeclare any conflicts of interest (see page 10 in the Information Package): Fields with (*) are compulsory.